Friday, March 13, 2015

Terrible 3's!

I have always heard of the terrible 2's but I am shocked to find out about the terrible 3's. My sweet baby girl is 3 1/2 and she has some major attitude. She also is very particular about everything, the order things must be done in and they must be done just right. I am so happy that she has been potty trained for 4 months now. We practiced for 7 months to finally achieve full blown success. My mistake was introducing the potty seat that goes on top of the toilet. If we are out or at someone else's house she asks for her Dora seat. My second mistake was showing her two step stools and giving her the option of the old wooden one I used as a kid and her Minnie Mouse one. Of course a small child will need to use both! She has to use the old wooden one for the potty and the Minnie stool at the sink. Then there is bedtime routine, quiet TV time, brush teeth, read book, go potty AGAIN, turn off lamp, turn on sound machine and turn on butterfly that projects stars on the ceiling (must be done in that order) tuck in and have a quick conversation. That quick conversation is always too short for my little one. We have nights where I just have to say goodnight and deal with tears. Mornings can be tough. It is always a struggle to get dressed and put shoes, coats, hat and scarf on. So glad summer is coming. Then there is that moment when she waits at the top of the stairs to decide if she is ready to come down and get in the car. My little one loves to stop and smell the roses - or fresh air, listen for dogs in the neighborhood barking, watch for birds etc. On to the attitude, boy does my little one love to talk back. It is almost impossible to negotiate with a 3-year-old. Whether it is to bring her video game in the car or what to eat or how many bites to take before getting down from the table it's a struggle or argument. I hate having to offer bribes but sometimes it is the only way. Usually one piece of candy, a Hersey Kiss or DumDum, will do the trick. But how do you deal with tantrums? Screaming fits in the car the whole way to the babysitters because I denied her demand to bring the IPAD? Time-outs work wonders but when you need to get out the door in the morning there isn't time for time-outs. Just have to hold on to the joyous moments, hilarious moments and love for the little squirt. Last night when we were discussing a snack she told me that I should have the special flavor Goldfish and she will have the regular flavor Goldfish because the special flavor Goldfish will make her break out in hives. What? lol I have never told her anything will make her break out in hives. Luckily, we do not have any major food allergies in our house. My favorite is when she makes tooties! She thinks it is hilarious to pass gas. She loves to announce it. I usually comment with "Ewww stinky girl!" She replies with "I love making tooties. I tootie everywhere!" So the terrible 3's can be very difficult and push my patience to the edge but oh how I love my sweet angel!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Purex Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets Giveaway

I recently tried Purex Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets. They have two scents to choose from. I choose the Sweet Lavender since lavender is one of my favorite smells. They smelled pretty goof through the box so I thought they would be great! I've always loved using dryer sheets. They are so simple, grab one and just throw it in the dryer with your clothes.

So I got home and left the bag of dryer sheets with a couple other cleansing items I had purchased that day on the dining room table. I had to go out and run another errand. When I got back home there was an unbelievably strong lavender scent taking over my house. I rarely use air fresheners. I always prefer opening windows for fresh smelling air. I was a little worried about using the sheets with my clothes. I wondered if I was going to be a walking air freshener. I gave it a try. I was so pleased after I used the sheets. My clothes smelled great. The aroma died down a lot. There was only a very faint lavender freshness left. It was just the right amount to leave my clothes smelling fresh and clean.
Not only my clothes smell good they were also free from static cling and lint. Purex Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets will now be on the top of my go to list for dryer sheets.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Entering the Terrible Twos

Here we go... Evelyn is now 22 months old. I am so excited to be getting ready for her 2nd birthday party! It is amazing how quickly she has been adding to her vocabulary this week. Last week she was pretty much plateaued and this week she has added at least 10 words and phrases to normal use. Not to mention actions. She was watching Team Umizoomi and learned to flap her arms like a chicken. It was adorable! She is also getting really comfortable expressing herself by screaming. She uses this technique at bedtime or when she wants something. This is what worries me. I am trying different methods of coping with it, just ignoring her or distracting her with something else. Please let me know if anyone has other ideas for dealing with screaming children.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Abby Cadabby Potty Chair Giveaway

Thank you to Houghton Happenings for hosting this awesome giveaway

I can't wait to get a potty chair for my 17 month old. The sooner we get out of diapers the better. My little one loves Abby and already has a curiosity of flushing the big potty so I can't wait to get her to practice sitting on her very own potty chair. I hope I win this awesome giveaway.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

LAST DAY!!!!!!!

I want to take my daughter to Disney so bad and today is the last day to enter!!!  So get your entries in to win the trip of your dreams at